Register for Field Expedient Repair Training!
Apex Overland has partnered with Overland Experts to provide Our One-Day Field Repair class!

This is the perfect choice for those who are either new to off-road driving or are looking for a refresher to complement their existing skill set on many of the most frequent trail repairs. Simply put, our field repair workshop is first aid for your truck on the trail or on the road.
In this day-long workshop you’ll learn how to diagnose and repair some of the more common vehicle system break downs and “injuries”. Braking, cooling, chassis, and drivetrain issues will be covered in intense field-base scenarios using common and not so common tools and techniques. This workshop will flat-out get you and your vehicle home!
The class will take place October 15, 2022 - at Apex Overland in Reidsville NC. 9am - 4pm with a break for lunch that will be provided.
This class includes:
Pre-Drive vehicle check and preparation.
Hard and soft brake line repair
Radiator repair to include tank, core, and hose
Basic electrical systems troubleshooting, diagnosis and repair
Common gasoline and diesel engine field repair and diagnosis
Diagnose and repair axle breakage – full vs. semi floating variants and their repair or removal on the trail
Driveshaft removal and/or repair
Tire repair
Tools of field – Learn what to carry and how to use what you carry
Q & A, Know your vehicle – What to buy and modify and what not to.
